Wedding frame instructions

Place the following code where you'd like Wedding Frame to load:

<div id="WeddingFrame"></div>

//Configuration variables :
var userid = "099FBED4-7A36-45B3-AEA0-42183160BEB7"; //replace with your user id, contact: (required)
var partner_email = ""; //replace with your email address (required)
var main_color = "#e95c65"; //you can set a color that matches your website theme (by name, hex, rgb, rgba)
var secondary_color = "#c2af99"; //you can set a color that matches your website theme (by name, hex, rgb, rgba)
var culture = "en"; //replace with the desired culture (en | ru are supported currently)

// Do not edit below this line
(function () {
window.jQuery || document.write('<script src=""><\/script>')
var wf = document.createElement('script'); wf.type = 'text/javascript'; wf.async = true; wf.src = '';
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(wf);


Package Generator popup window instructions

Place the following link in your html code.

<!--Please replace the parameter "userid" with your own user id (contact to get your user identification number)
In the example you can see "userid=099FBED4-7A36-45B3-AEA0-42183160BEB7" the "099FBED4-7A36-45B3-AEA0-42183160BEB7" string is to be replaced with your user id
You should also replace the parameter "partneremail" with your own email (change to your email)
Use for the English version or for the Russian version
You can also change the "maincolor" and "secondarycolor" parameters the same way to set colors that match your website's theme
Feel free to change the link text or to customise the link in anyway suitable to your needs -->

<a onclick="weddingpackagerequest =',193,169)&secondarycolor=rgb(233,92,101)', 'WeddingPackageRequest', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=800,height=820'); weddingpackagerequest.moveto(0, 0); weddingpackagerequest.focus(); return false;" style="cursor: pointer;">Calculate the cost of a wedding in Greece in 5 clicks</a>


Calculate the cost of a wedding in Greece in 5 clicks

Wedding Questionnaire popup window instructions

Place the following link in your html code.

<!--Please replace the parameter "userid" with your own user id (contact to get your user identification number)
In the example you can see "userid=099FBED4-7A36-45B3-AEA0-42183160BEB7" the "099FBED4-7A36-45B3-AEA0-42183160BEB7" string is to be replaced with your user id
You should also replace the parameter "partneremail" with your own email (change to your email)
Use for the English version or for the Russian version
You can also change the "maincolor" and "secondarycolor" parameters the same way to set colors that match your website's theme
Feel free to change the link text or to customise the link in anyway suitable to your needs -->

<a onclick="WeddingQuestionnaire =',193,169)&secondarycolor=rgb(233,92,101)', 'WeddingQuestionnaire', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=700,height=954'); WeddingQuestionnaire.moveTo(0, 0); WeddingQuestionnaire.focus(); return false;" style="cursor: pointer;">Wedding Questionnaire</a>


Wedding Questionnaire